Karst and Caves of Myanmar (Expeditions to the Southern Shan and Kayah States 2014–17)
Joerg Dreybrodt & Fleur Loveridge
Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte, (BHB) , volume 75 (2018)
85 pp, colour photo tables, many maps & surveys
Over 27 km of caves passages from 98 new caves are described in this volume, representing the results yielded by the five most recent expeditions to the Southern Shan State (to Pinlaung, Hopong and Ywangan areas) as well as two expeditions to the Kayah State. Includes the new deepest cave of Myanmar (Ju’s Gu, over 300 m deep) as well as many new entries to the list of longest caves of the country. In English, with a German and French abstract.
Karst and Caves of Myanmar
The first book on caves of Myanmar, written by cavers for cavers. Everything on the caves and the karst of Burma. Published Dec 2010.
Karst and Caves of Myanmar
Michael Laumanns (editor)
Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte, (BHB) , volume 39
130 pp., colour maps, many surveys.
Descriptions of over 280 underground sites, including man-made underground temples. ALL available cave surveys, many of which are published for the first time. Has location maps, bibliography, and list of caves according to provinces. There are chapters on cave archaeology, and biospeleology, including cave-dwelling bats. In English language with a German and French abstract.
Myanmar is still one of the “blank spots ” on the speleological world map. The difficult political situation in the country and the restricted access to areas along its borders to Thailand, Laos and India have meant that only a few speleological expeditions have been possible so far. However, over the years several investigative projects were carried out with their results scattered in several publications. Especially in most recent times several expeditions were held. This volume aims to give a complete overview about the stand of speleological exploration of Myanmar. The results of all previous cave projects are presented to provide a solid basis for planning future explorations. This compilation also strives to align erroneous locations, name transcription problems as well as double denominations assigned to the same caves - all of which occurred in the literature. Furthermore a biospeleological overview is presented, including the bats of Myanmar.
For more information, and details on how to order, see BHB 39 2010.
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Atlas of the Great Caves and the Karst of Southeast Asia - 2nd edition 2016

Atlas of the Great Caves and the Karst of Southeast Asia 2nd edn
Michael Laumanns & Liz Price
Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte, (BHB) volume 65-66: Published Dec 2016.
335 pages, hundreds of cave descriptions, cave surveys and maps.
Vol. 65 covers: Introduction & Brunei–Malaysia (168 p.).
Vol. 66 covers: Myanmar–Vietnam (167 p.).
In English. With German and French abstracts.
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Atlas of the Great Caves and the Karst of Southeast Asia

Atlas of the Great Caves and the Karst of Southeast Asia
Michael Laumanns & Liz Price (editors)
Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte, (BHB) volume 40-41: Published Dec 2010.
338 pages, hundreds of cave descriptions, cave surveys and maps.
Vol. 40 covers: Introduction, geology, longest, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia (172 p.).
Vol. 41 : Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor East, Vietnam (166 p).
In English language. With a German and French abstract.
Each country is presented in detail including topographic and karst occurrence maps as well as a description of the geological settings, the history of speleological exploration, a detailed list of the longest and deepest caves (incl. surveys), a list of useful addresses and an in-depth bibliography. Some countries also have maps showing the administrative divisions and other relevant thematic maps.
Can be bought as a set of 2 books, or individually. Contact me for details.
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Karst and Caves of Myanmar (Expeditions to the Shan States 2011–2013).
J. Dreybrodt & M. Laumanns (editors)
Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte, (BHB) , volume 51 , published 2013.
94 pp., colour photo tables, many maps & surveys;
This publication, similar in style and presentation with the first monograph on Myanmar, No 39, continues the “Myanmar cave story”. It focuses on the Shan plateau and comprises the results of the latest expeditions from 2011–2013 (98 caves with a total of 16.6 km of mapped passages). These include the longest and deepest caves in Myanmar.